This week I played social cricket.
My friend asked me if I could help his team out as they were short of players.
It was a lovely evening on Tuesday down at the local cricket grounds in Devonport.
This was my first game in 20 years.
Our team were batting first and after the first two batters went out, I was called in!
I was so nervous - my heart was pounding.
The other team was serious and bowling fast cricket balls!

Taking some deep breaths, I told myself to take it one ball at a time.
"Just get bat on ball" my teammate encouraged me.
The social cricket game is 16 overs, about 1.5 hours - it is a mini cricket game, where everyone has 2 overs for bowling.
While batting, the opposition team could tell I was not a strong batsman, and they said words to try and put me off.
I told myself "everything is fine".

The thing that amazed me was how comfortable I felt on the pitch. The meditation practice I do has helped me massively find confidence within.
The anxiety I used to feel when I was younger playing cricket was not there.
I was nervous but I felt comfortable - it was fun.
I took some deep breaths and made my way to a score of 22.
I even managed to hit a 4!

After the game all of the teams gathered at the cricket club.
Many guys had a beer and some food.
It was a nice mid-week evening after work.