2 years ago, I represented the Council at a public hearing.
I had to speak in front of people about an application I was processing.
The opposition was represented by an experienced lawyer.
The lawyer critiqued and criticized my work in detail. I felt interrogated and made fun of.
By the end of the day, I had so much anger towards him - I wanted to quit my job.
It was the hardest day of my career.

The Universe does amazing things
This week the same lawyer served me food and drink.
My company was invited to his law firm’s work function.
I almost declined the invite because I wanted to avoid him.
But, in the end, I decided I should face my enemy and accept reality.
While in his flash offices eating fine finger food, I had so many negative thoughts and judgments coming up.

I’ve been practicing a meditation method that embodies acceptance.
Praying to myself I noticed many positives about the lawyer.
He had great jokes
He laughed a lot
He served people
He has invaluable experience.
I have always had negative thoughts about lawyers.
Upon self-reflection, I can see I had formed these thoughts from what I had heard growing up, as well as my own negative experiences with lawyers when I started working in my 20s.
By the end of the night, I had learnt a lot.
I realised getting along well with lawyers can greatly help me.
I no longer need to see lawyers in a negative light.
The lawyer gave me tips I could implement straight away into my daily work.
Had I not faced my fear, my negative view of the world would remain the same, making my life harder.
I realised it is all about acceptance.

The reflection is really good, and I like it.