Last night my false mind got the best of me.
I had a good time watching my friend play guitar.
On my drive home though, I started talking to myself inside my head.
Getting angry about this and that.
I then realised I missed my motorway off-ramp!
And the next off-ramp was a long way a way!
My body got tense and I worried.
I eventually came to a BP petrol station in the dark night.
Had I not been in my head none of this what have happened and I would be safely at home by now.
I needed to calm down as I was panicking a bit.
I bought some water and chocolate to give myself energy.
I listened to Woo Myung's gentle music.
I meditated for a few minutes in my car and made my journey home.
I was grateful to reach home.
I really got scared there for a moment.
My false mind completely threw me off.
I am a slave to my mind.
Thank you to Meditation for helping me observe my current state of mind.