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  • Writer's pictureDavid Clouston

The Dawn of Nationhood of New Zealand and Australia

Updated: May 8

My friend's blog inspired me to attend this annual dawn event. If you would like to read the original Korean version of that blog you can click here.

I had never been to the early morning event in my life and thought I should do it.

I woke up at 5.20am and drove over to the Auckland Museum.

Many people gathered.

The first words spoken were in Maori.

Auckland Museum ANZAC day
Early morning reflections

The National Anthems were sung.

The Australian anthem first, followed by the New Zealand anthem.

The New Zealand anthem is sung first in Māori and then in English.

The choir sang the songs and one minute of silence was observed as the sun rose.

The beautiful red sky looked pretty.

Observing the silence

The trumpet sound was blown.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand and Consul General for Australia laid the flowers.

It made me reflect on the people who gave their lives.

A voice finished the dawn service saying "enjoy the day".

Auckland Museum open and free on ANZAC Day
Auckland Museum open and free on ANZAC Day

The Auckland Museum was open and free including the special events.

I felt grateful to walk into the museum filled with real choir voice.

It was warming to see many people enjoy the museum at 7am.

As I walked down a corridor I looked to my left and surprisingly saw the Prime Minister of New Zealand walking in the corridor speaking to someone. Even though my views are not aligned with his I still felt a warm connection with him given the dawn service.

When I got home I read the pamphlet:

The sounding of the Reveille at this service proclaims our belief that the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli was the dawn of nationhood of New Zealand and Australia.

The 'Reveille' is the trumpet sound they play.

Kiwis and Aussies are friendly rivals on the sports field, however, it was such events that brought us together.

It made me reflect on how sacrifice brought us together.

Giving one's life for peace and happiness.

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